Health & Wellness


Treat your body well — eat right, challenge your body, get proper sleep — and you’ll reward yourself with more energy, greater focus, and a heightened level of discipline. You’ll achieve new levels of productivity while your competition falls behind and watches you scale faster and faster.  A healthy lifestyle will transform you into a world-class entrepreneur — and stack more dollars in your bank account. Specifically, understand why sleep, exercise and nutrition are the keys to the success of today’s most influential entrepreneurs, artists, experts, thought leaders, industry titans and anyone else who performs at a high level.

Work out to build up your emotional resilience.

Your best comes out when your back is against the wall. All entrepreneurs hit tough times — they might be in the red for months at a time, or they might have critical team members disappear right when they need them most.  Working out teaches you how to face adversity head-on. For example, when you go to the gym, you lift weights. As you tack on more weight, you gain muscle and grow stronger. If you want your muscles to grow, then they need to be challenged.

Sleep is critical if you want to effectively lead your business.

You need a clear head in order to negotiate big-money deals, effectively communicate with your team and inspire others through the social media content you produce. You owe it to yourself, your clients and your team to stay well-rested and alert.  Structure your evening so you get deep, uninterrupted sleep. Then, structure your morning so you can jump out of bed and tackle everything on your to-do list.

Eat right to develop a reliable routine.

We all can agree that eating right has its benefits: You live longer, you have more energy and you think more clearly. An entrepreneur that eats right will embody all of these advantages, but they’ll also gain something else: They’ll install a daily routine in their lives.

Again, how you do anything is how you do everything. Let’s say an entrepreneur eats unhealthy and never works out. You’d probably chalk that up to a lack of discipline, right? If you took a closer look at his life, I’d bet you’d find that he also lacks discipline in the way he managed his daily tasks, or in how he invests the profit his business makes.